Voting Rights in Danger: HJR B Would Prevent Thousands of American Citizens from Voting
What is HJR B?
HJR B is a joint resolution to amend the Michigan Constitution that would impose new, onerous barriers to voting, such as requiring Michiganders to provide documentary proof of citizenship when registering to vote and government-issued photo ID when casting a ballot. You can read the full text of the resolution here.
What is the status of HJR B?
HJR B was introduced on January 29, 2025 by State Representative and House Majority Floor Leader Bryan Posthumus. We understand that the Republican-controlled state House intends for this resolution to move quickly. As a joint resolution, two-thirds of the members of each chamber must vote in favor for it to pass and for its language to be placed on the ballot.
What has happened in other states with similar laws?
Other states that have passed proof of citizenship laws have ultimately deprived tens of thousands of eligible Americans of the right to vote. For example, a Kansas law requiring proof of citizenship directly blocked the registrations of more than 31,000 U.S. citizens, denying them access to the ballot. Kansas’s Republican Secretary of State, who initially championed the law as a legislator, now admits that “[i]t didn’t work out so well,” and advises other states and the federal government to avoid passing similar laws. And according to Arizona’s Secretary of State, Arizona’s proof of citizenship law prevented 47,000 eligible citizens from voting.
How can I help stop HJR B?
We encourage you to contact your state representative and voice your opposition to HJR B. We need to make sure our representatives see this resolution for what it is: a direct attack on our voting rights that will ultimately prevent American citizens from voting. You can find your representative’s contact info here.
Here are some things that you can say when you contact your legislator:
Simply put, HJR B will prevent eligible American citizens from voting.
Other states that have passed proof of citizenship laws have ultimately deprived tens of thousands of eligible Americans of the right to vote. If the choice is between one noncitizen illegally voting or tens of thousands of eligible Americans denied their constitutional right to vote, we must choose the rights of U.S. citizens every time.
Our voting system is already secure and it protects access to the ballot for all eligible Americans. Only U.S. Citizens can legally register and vote, and there are already multiple, effective checks and balances in our voting system that keep our elections secure.
If lawmakers are truly worried about election integrity, they should focus on protecting the right of every eligible Michigan voter to cast a ballot, not stripping away that right with burdensome, unnecessary barriers. True election integrity means protecting our democracy, not undermining it.
What if I have questions or would like additional resources?
You can learn more about the multiple, effective checks and balances in Michigan’s voting system here and about Michigan’s existing voter ID law here. If you have questions or would like additional resources, please don’t hesitate to contact PTV Voting Rights Counsel Bailey Rechler at bailey@promotethevotemi.com.